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Welcome to Central Baptist Church Round Rock

We would love for you to come here and build friendships, find a safe place for your kids and join with others in serving our community. But more than anything else we want you to know that there is a God who created you and loves you with a radical, self-sacrificing love. He loves you enough that he sent his son, Jesus, to die in your place and make a way for your relationship with Him to be restored.


Whether you have understood this for decades or you have just heard it for the first time, we want to be a place where you can join with other Christ-followers to live out this life in devoted pursuit of Jesus. We hope to meet you where you are and help you become who God has created you to be.

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Visiting a new church can be confusing so we want to help you feel comfortable and informed. We'll have someone ready to show you around and answer your questions.

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None of us were meant to do

this life on our own. We all need community and our groups are a great place to build that with people who will point you toward Jesus.

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Great conversation happens

around food and we want to get to know you. This is a great place to meet our pastors, learn more about Central and ask questions.

How can we pray for you?

We believe in the power of prayer! Share your prayer requests and we will pray for it during our staff meeting, prayer meetings and send it out to our prayer chain.

Sunday Schedule

8:30am - Worship Service (on campus)

9:45am - Groups/Classes

11:00am - Worship Service (on campus & online)

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Registration info and other details are available online at:



We are a family of Christ-followers

empowered by God and compelled by His love to 'do life' in a passionate pursuit of becoming like Jesus.

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