How had God used Central to impact you?
These are stories from people who are part of the Central family. We share these to give glory to God and to give hope to those who need it. We a grateful for a God who knows us and loves us unconditionally.
Betzy Flores - 3 years at Central
"Central was the first place that gave me a sense of ‘home’ after moving to Round Rock. Our faith has grown so much these past years. Each week during Adult Bible Fellowship, Worship services and my women’s Bible study group, I look around and see people I’m proud to know as my church family. One of my greatest blessings is the church, its people, and the important place it holds in my heart. I’m so proud to be part of Central and happy to be raising our children here. I thank God for blessing me and my family by putting Central in our paths."
Pat Conditt - 5 years at Central
"We were visiting Central for a few weeks or months- it is hard to remember. Our son died tragically. We had no deep roots with Central, there is no one that knew us...yet, when the leadership at Central heard that we were attending, they surrounded us, took care of us, cleaned and repaired my son's house, and have continued to be the hands, arms, and feet of God ever since. God's true love was witnessed to us through Central and the folks that surrounded us. We witnessed true Believers."
Scott and Cheryl Robertson - 27 years at Central
"We moved to Round Rock in 1996 and the Lord so sweetly brought us to Central where we quickly found wonderful community. Bill & Twyla Brown led our Sunday School class for young marrieds. Our faith was deepened and we made lifetime friendships in this time. Central's focus on reaching the lost both locally and globally was instrumental in our call to follow the Lord's leading to other nations. For over 23 years we have been serving with the International Mission Board with the loving support of Central, always our home away from home. Thank you to the people of Central for being faithful to the great commission and the building of His Kingdom."
"Daniel Weatherman - 3 years at Central
We came to Central during Covid. When most churches were turning inward, Central was reaching out. We quickly found connection within an ABF group that was also ministering online. Pastor Mark knew us by name when we visited in person and he spent time talking with us, getting to to know our story. We have grown spiritually at Central because God is here working in His people. We sensed almost immediately that this church was where God was calling us to serve, and we are so thankful He did. We have made great friendships and found fellow Christians we can lean on when we need to. We look forward to what God is going and what He has in store for the years ahead at Central."
"Renee Valencia - 2 years at Central
I gave my life to Christ at Central in 1996. This church has made an eternal impact on my life and I’m so grateful to the families who took the time to pour into me when I was a junior and senior in high school. I have so many special memories…disciple now, youth camp, Alan playing music at our softball games, not to mention the friendships I made. Thank you for all you do to share the love of Jesus with others."
Travis Wilfong - 3 years at Central
"The story of how a google search changed the trajectory of my life. I had moved to Round Rock during COVID lockdown right after college and was looking for a church and googled “churches near me”. Central was the first one that popped up on my work computer. Central ended up being up the only church I would ever step foot in the area. I immediately found my spot on the worship team being welcomed by Brett and Chris. I learned what it meant to be loved and accepted regardless of my sin in this church on more than one occasion. I eventually found a spot teaching Sunday school which I would have never thought I would have been called to and now I find myself helping run the youth worship ministry every Wednesday and I wouldn’t change a thing. This church has helped me discover more about myself, Jesus, and what it means to pursue Christ in all I do."
Tracy Tucker - 4 years at Central
"Four years ago when we found ourselves searching for a new church, we went online and listened to a years worth of messages . The bible teaching and real life authentic messages brought us to this church. However, the people made this our home and family. We didn't know what awaited us in the coming years but God knew. He knew my husband would be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He knew we would need a home group full of friends that would be more like family. He knew we would need an ABF that would come around us and not only disciple us in this season but love us in ways we did not know we needed until they showed up. We have been prayed over , prayed for, fed repeatedly, sat with in waiting rooms, sat with by a hospice bed, Christmas for our kids has been provided, and so much more. However, the best and most importantly we met Jesus here week after week... We sat under amazing teaching in our ABF and bible study, and messages on Sunday mornings. We grew in our faith and closer to God then we even knew was possible thru patient followers of Christ that walked with us. Terry grew in his love for Jesus and began sharing the good news every moment he could. He could not contain the hope he found here at Central. My husband passed and the love and out pouring continued in every aspect and continues even now. I absolutely could not have survived thru the celebration of life without the Hoods. They have tethered me to God and the church over and over again when I feel like I would spin off . Terry had never known the love of a church family until we came here . I feel so blessed that he experienced this so richly before he passed. He was amazed and felt so loved . In the generations to come when our faith story is told to our grand children and great grand children Central will have a prominent place in our story. A place of blessing, love, faithfulness, and family. Thank you Central . God knew we would need you and your love."
Tim Waters - 20 years at Central
"I became a Christian while we were attending Central. It was there that I was discipled and matured in my faith. We started there when we were newlyweds and raised three of our girls there. Mark is one of the biggest encouragers of my life. We have since moved from Round Rock and now attend a different church but I will always consider Central our home church and Mark will always be my pastor."
Vicki Hood - 30 years at Central
"Where to begin…I’m not sure there’s enough room or sufficient words to say how Central has impacted my life, my family’s life over the last 30 years. I will just have to summarize as much as possible & hope that this testimony glorifies God who has blessed us through the body of Christ known as Central Baptist Church. Central helped us raise our kids in the nurture & admonition of the Lord (through AWANA, children’s choir, Sunday School, Youth Bible Fellowships, Youth group, camp, DiscipleNow, mission trips, Love the Rock), providing teachers, leaders, & mentors, incredible examples of faith, integrity, and love of Jesus and one another; Christian friends, education through RRCA, encouragement & prayer regarding personal parenting issues during Wednesday night prayer meetings; our boys learned hard work through employment w/Central and a boss who believed “A tired boy is a good boy!” ;) We are eternally grateful that our children have been forever impacted by this church & love the Lord and are still serving Him to this day. One Sunday I heard God calling me to homeschool during a time of prayer after Pastor Mark’s sermon about “The Giants in Your Life.” The Lord also taught me through another sermon that “God’s Arm is Not Too Short” to use me; I just have to be available. My eyes should be on Him & His might & not on myself or my shortcomings. Central has also discipled both my husband as well as myself (through Promise Keepers, Dad the Family Shepherd, Accountability Groups, Home Groups, Men’s Bible studies, Dell Diamond Men’s Gatherings, Precepts & Ladies’ Bible studies, Christmas Teas & many other ladies’ events, retreats, & prayer meetings), encouraged & counseled us through marriage & parenting issues, challenged us to “Finish Strong” (in our faith & integrity), given us opportunities to lead and teach and serve (outside of our comfort or qualifications), but God…enabled & worked amazingly, despite our humanness. Central gave us Godly friends, like family…examples of faith, full of integrity & love with Christ-honoring kids who are life-long friends w/our now-grown children. Home groups where we have shared life, seen & personally experienced many answered prayers in the lives of our children, ourselves, & others; been challenged to grow in Christ and in sharing the gospel and serving one another, including our neighborhoods. I could go on & on… I cannot imagine what our lives would be like without Central or our Central family. We have laughed & cried, grieved & celebrated together. My earnest prayer is that everyone who comes through these doors will experience the life-changing power of a deep relationship with Jesus Christ and the joy & blessing of living life together with fellow-believers, our brothers & sisters in Christ. Thank you so very much, Central!!! To God be all the glory!!!!!"